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Silicon Nanowires finding applications from biological to explosive sensing, photonics Batteries to spintronics

Silicon is predicted to remain as the fundamental material for the micro- and nano-electronics industry and ultra large scale integrated (ULSI) circuits despite the ever-growing research devoted to other materials and their nano structured variants.   Silicon Nanowires (SiNW) are one of the members of silicon nanostructure family, which have …

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DARPA MRC developed resilient cloud services that would continue to operate and support military objectives despite being hit by a cyberattack

Cloud computing has burst recently into technology and business scene promising great technical and economic advantages, like offering On-demand provisioning of computer services, improved flexibility and scalability as well as reducing costs. Another attractive point of the cloud is its ability to enable a mobile workforce, which brings enhanced flexibility …

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Quantum sensors for Missile defence, Space security and secure imaging

In recent years there has been a major scientific thrust to harness quantum phenomena to increase the performance of a wide variety of classical devices ranging from computation to sensing, and considerable progress has occurred in the analysis and design of photonic-based quantum sensors (e.g. quantum radar and quantum lidar). …

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3D printing could be next tool to be exploited by terrorists by printing guns, RAND calls it Disruptive threat

3D printing or additive manufacturing is ongoing revolution in manufacturing with its potential to fabricate any complex object and is being utilized from aerospace components to human organs, textiles, metals, buildings and even food. Additive manufacturing, is defined by ASTM International as the process of joining materials together, layer by …

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Military employing LIDAR in Driverless vehicles, Battlefield Visualization, Mine Hunting, Imaging through forests

Lidars (Light Detection and Ranging) are similar to radars in that they operate by sending light pulses to the targets and calculate distances by measuring the received time.  The  key advantages of  LIDAR is  its superior accuracy and its ability to see through masking items, such as leaves, trees, and …

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DARPA SECTR developing cost-effective seekers for PGMs that will identify and engage moving targets in a contested environment

Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs), and other so-called “smart” weapons, have established themselves as a key military technology against targets whose destruction requires a high degree of precision. PGMs may include Bomb or missile that can be aimed and directed against a single/multi targets, relying on external guidance or its own …

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US Navy’s electromagnetic catapult (EMAL) finishes Load testing on Ford Aircraft carrier, China also claims breakthrough

The Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) is a type of aircraft launching system currently under development by General Atomics for the United States Navy. EMALS uses electrical energy to propel Aircraft by converting electric energy into kinetic energy.  The system launches carrier-based aircraft by means of a catapult employing a …

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U.S., Britain blame Russia for global cyber attack targeting Network Infrastructure Devices

The United States and Britain in 2018 accused Russia of launching cyber attacks on computer routers, firewalls and other networking equipment used by government agencies, businesses and critical infrastructure operators around the globe. Network infrastructure consists of interconnected devices designed to transport communications needed for data, applications, services, and multi-media. Routers …

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DARPA’s Lagrange developing optimization algorithms for uncertain, dynamic, multiscale settings like Real time neuroimaging data

Mathematical optimization is a branch of applied mathematics that in the broadest senselooks for best solution with regard to some criterion from some set of available alternatives. The advent of the digital computer and a tremendous subsequent increase in our computational prowess has increased the impact of optimization in our …

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Spintronic Magnetic Sensors have unique adavantages in current sensing, vehicle detection, bio detection for IoT and radar detectors for military

In quantum mechanics, spin is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by elementary particles. Spintronics is “A branch of physics concerned with the storage and transfer of information by means of electron spins in addition to electron charge as in conventional electronics.” Spin-based electronics focuses on devices whose functionality …

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