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Countries integrating Over-The-Horizon (OTH) radars into air defence networks to detect and track stealth Aircrafts, Aircraft carriers and hypersonic missiles

The signals of Conventional microwave radars propagate in a straight line and cannot detect objects beyond their line of sight.  The maximum range of these radars is limited by the radio horizon – slightly far away than the optical horizon. OTH radars use very long wave lengths with special properties …

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US Navy’s Information Superiority Vision is to modernize, innovate, defend platforms and developing a culture of information readiness

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer Aaron Weis has released the DON Information Superiority Vision in Feb 2020 which conveyed the DON’s vision for information superiority through our information, modernized network design, and our workforce; and defines our way forward.   As stated by General David H. Berger, …

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Multistatic Sonar Technology has become key to Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) operations

Three decades ago, only a handful of major powers had effective submarine capabilities but, today, fleets in operation around the world are growing rapidly. Emerging superpowers, like China, can add naval capacity equivalent to a European country’s in the space of a few years. The threat from submarines is serious …

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Compact Electronic noses can monitor air quality, diagnoze diseases to biohazards like covid-19, explosives and nerve gas

Government and local law enforcement agencies have employed canines for decades to sniff  explosives and such banned goods as fresh produce, exotic wildlife, undeclared currency and illicit drugs.   Now researchers are developing electronic noses imitating the sense of smell of humans and animals especially dogs. The smells are composed of molecules, …

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Rising Maritime threats require Smart Ports, Ship security and safety technologies to improve security and stability of maritime domain

The oceans are vital to the overall growth of the world economy and population, and to the continued economic integration of nations. The oceans are a primary source of food, energy, and transportation, all key requirements of human activity in an interconnected world. They are also essential to meet the …

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Psychological warfare becoming sophisticated with development of new tools and technologies

Psychological warfare involves the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups. The targets of such propaganda campaigns can include governments, political organizations, advocacy groups, military personnel, and civilian individuals.   While all nations employ it, the U.S. Central …

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Navies require Automated AUV Launch and Recovery System for a variety of Ships , USVs or submarine platforms

UUVs—submersible unmanned vehicles—are divided into two categories: remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). ROVs are controlled and powered by a person or crew on either land or neighboring craft via an umbilical or using remote control. The truly autonomous AUV systems are typically deployed from a …

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New 3D printer technology breakthroughs enable on demand complex military systems with high speed and quality

3D printing or additive manufacturing is ongoing revolution in manufacturing with its potential to fabricate any complex object and is being utilized from aerospace components to human organs, textiles, metals, buildings and even food.  Its advantages include less waste and an ability to print custom designs, such as intricate lattice …

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AI and Machine Learning being employed by Space Agencies for space exploration and Space Force for Space Warfare

Artificial intelligence has long been transforming our daily lives and the daily operations of many businesses. From smart assistants like Siri and Alexa to more complex solutions that optimize business flow in large organizations, the technology has become so pervasive that it has almost become an inseparable companion. But AI’s power …

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Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technology to decrease the overall cost of operating the commercial and military vehicle fleet

Vehicle electrification is one of the greatest developments in the automotive sector. Increasing apprehension about environmental fortification has prompted the research that greatly propelled the electric mobility around the globe. By 2025, 7 million electric vehicles are projected to be on the road in the US, with 5 million charge …

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