The US Army had launched a second JLENS aerostat in Aug 2015 to increase cruise missile early warning coverage of the East Coast, joining one first launched in December 2014. However in Oct 2015, one of them got untethered from its base at Aberdeen Proving Ground, a U.S. Army facility …
Read More »British scientists brainstorm what a warship might look like or be equipped with in 2050: Dreadnought 2050
UK is an island nation, most of the UK’s connections to the wider world are provided by sea with and over 90% of its trade is carried by ship. UK maritime sector accounts for over 2% of the entire economy and supports one in every 50 jobs. The UK’s first ever …
Read More »Russia’s new maritime doctrine for protecting Russian Interests in World’s Oceans
The Russians unveiled their new doctrine last Sunday on board the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, and in the presence of President Vladimir Putin. “The degree of Russia’s economic involvement in the global [economy] has increased in recent years. At the same time, rivalry for owning the resources of the World’s Oceans …
Read More »DOD needs a game plan: an institutional strategy for Directed Energy Weapon systems, says CNAS report
Directed-energy weapons are among a handful of maturing disruptive or asymmetric technologies that could confer game-changing technological advantages both as a superior defensive capability and as an effective electronic attack option. For operations in anti-access/area-denial environments, they could strengthen U.S. power projection assets and defend fixed-site installations and/or expeditionary forces …
Read More »US is deploying Navy Platform SBX1 to trigger Earthquakes in North Korea, as HAARP weapon, is it pure speculation?
The US Navy’s Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) a floating, self-propelled, mobile, active electronically scanned array radar station, is a part of Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency.
Read More »US army awards USD$26.1 million contract to develop improved Husky Mine Detection Systems (HMDS)
Minelab Electronics, a company renowned for its metal detectors, and an American company NIITEK that makes ground penetrating radar, have partnered together to win a contract to produce a mine sweeping system for US military in two years.
Read More »German Defense Company FFG unveils “Protected Mission Module Carrier light tracked vehicle”
At Eurosatory 2014, the German Defense Company FFG presented PMMC (Protected Mission Module Carrier) G5, a new technology of light tracked armoured vehicle, which allows fitting of a number of standardized mission modules that are interchangeable within a few hours in the field. The APC can be configured with a …
Read More »Battelle develops a deep sea 360-degree video camera
A new camera developed by Battelle will greatly reduce the time, effort and expense needed to create a complete 360-degree viewpoints in the depths of the ocean or in other hard to reach places.
Read More »T3: Triple Target Terminator’s Terminus Supersonic long Range Missile
DARPA awarded two competitive development contracts to Boeing and Raytheon in early 2011( Both $21.3 million each) , to conduct conceptual design and development of a multi-mission air/air and air/ground missile dubbed ‘Triple Target Terminator’ (T3).
Read More »US Air force developing Killer Drones
The airforce vehicle laboratory released a computer generated video to show off the capabilities of flying UAVs they are designing. They tiny robots can fly like birds, crawl like spiders, hover like bees and can also attack a human target with a weapon.
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