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Satellite Communication market trends

Satellites play a crucial role to improve lives in today’s digital economy. Nearly every industry relies upon satellite technology in some way — from agriculture to banking to transportation. Satellites help save lives in emergencies and provide critical knowledge about how to better protect the environment.   Satellite communication refers …

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Geospatial analytics market

The human brain doesn’t work in rows and columns Our brains often organize information based on time and place. But for many organizations, information is still confined to rows and columns. This makes reporting fast and easy—but not necessarily more insightful. Geospatial analytics adds timing and location to traditional types …

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Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) technology trends

Geoint is imagery and information that relates human activity to geography. It typically is collected from satellites and aircraft and can illuminate patterns not easily detectable by other means.   Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) is intelligence about human activity on earth derived from the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial …

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China National R&D plans to enhance it’s global science, technology and Military Innovation

In his series of books Science and Civilization in China, Joseph Needham, a British science historian, described China as a great country of invention and creation that fell behind in modern times. But that situation is changing rapidly, and now Chinese are working in almost every field of science and …

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What Role Can Businesses Play in Driving the Growth of Green Initiatives?

As the world faces a growing climate crisis, with soaring energy and living costs, running a business comes with a unique responsibility. We also live in a time where our actions today can help create a better future for everyone.   An important decision for your business is to adopt …

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Satellite Internet-of-Things (IoT) network will provide true global IoT connectivity for commercial and military

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. The Internet of things Network is a digital …

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Proofs of concept of Defense and Aerospace

A proof of concept is a demonstration of how a particular business idea works. You can use a proof of concept to show the feasibility of a product, service, business plan, or work process. Unlike a prototype, which is a working model of the proposed product, a proof of concept …

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Military Communications providing reliable, secure exchange of voice and data, command and control and situational awareness data and video

Communication is vital for Warfighters to exchange voice and data, command and control, and situational awareness data and video. The vision of the Communications area is to provide reliable communication from anywhere to everywhere from warfighters to supreme commanders with demanded rate and least latency by exploiting complete electromagnetic spectrum …

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Internet of Things ( IoT) market trends

The Internet-of-Things is an ongoing revolution in the ICT sector under which there is shift from an “Internet used for interconnecting end-user devices” to an “Internet used for interconnecting smart physical objects that communicate with each other and/or with humans in order to offer a given service”. The advancements of …

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Digital tranformation Strategy for Digital Battlefield

The modern battlespace extends into space and cyberspace, and adversary capabilities in these areas can be expected to expand in tomorrow’s strategic environment, increasing competition in and across all domains. To preserve and expand our military advantage in this new digital operating environment, the Joint Force must be adaptive, innovative …

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