Claytronics is an abstract concept that exists at the intersection of nanotechnology, computer science and robotics. It is concerned with the development of autonomous robots, the size of a few nanometres. These nano-robots, called Claytronic atoms or catoms, can interact with each other to form three dimensional, dynamic objects that …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2019
New programming languages for quantum computers that take full advantage of the computers’ capabilities
Quantum computing and quantum information processing are next revolutionary technology expected to have immense impact. Quantum information technologies, such as quantum computers, cryptography, radars, clocks, and other quantum systems, rely on the properties of quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of matter at the subatomic scale. For example, by taking advantage …
Read More »US AFRL developing next generation RF sensor technologies effective in jamming environments
The US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has awarded a new Distributed Radio Frequency Sensing (DRS) contract to Altamira Technologies for next-generation radio frequency (RF) sensing technologies. Valued at $24.6m, the new cost-plus-fixed-fee contract will continue for a period of five years and will support the development of new …
Read More »UAVs are proving to be disruptive technology for disaster planning, response and relief operations
A disaster can be defined as any tragic event stemming from events such as earthquakes, floods, accidents, fires, or explosions. It is a phenomenon that can cause damage to life and property and destroy the economic, social or cultural life of people. Over the past two decades, the impact of disasters …
Read More »Graphene photonics for next generation optical communications, high speed Internet, Nanosatellites and ultrasensitive night vision for military
Cloud computing allows application software and services to be delivered from large server farms in data centers over the Internet. As more and more people use Cloud services, more and more data are created that need to be stored, transmitted and processed. This explosion of data requires larger and larger …
Read More »Analog Neuromorphic Chips promise to bring deep learning to mobile and wearable devices
Most consumers use some form of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning every day without even realizing it. From AI-driven applications like Google Maps to autopilot mechanisms on commercial flights to anti-spam filters that depend on machine learning to adjust their rules over time, next-gen technology is everywhere. Deep …
Read More »Printed and flexible electronics (PFE) signal the arrival of future omnipresent intelligent environment
While the conventional electronics like computers and smartphones is built around silicon integrating billions of transistors and is manufactured using complex, costly and wasteful processes in multi-billion dollar foundries . The printed and flexible electronics aim to replace this by “organic” semiconductors which are long chains of thousands of repeating …
Read More »Nanotechnology has potential to revolutionize maritime and naval warfare environment
Nanotechnology deals with the understanding, control and manufacture of matter in the nanoscale regime, usually between 1 nm to 100 nm, and exploiting them for a useful application. At this length scale unique properties and phenomena arise as a result of increased surface-to-volume ratio and dominance of quantum mechanical effects. …
Read More »US Army developing AI based aided/automatic target acquisition technology for improved situational awareness and reduce response times.
Ai/ATR is a generic term to describe automated processing functions carried out on imaging sensor data in order to perform operations ranging from simple cuing of a human observer to complex, fully autonomous object acquisition and identification. ATR can range from fully autonomous, such as, in a missile seeker …
Read More »DARPA’s Insect Allies, enlists Insects to protect agricultural food supply, could be used for biological warfare, warn experts
The life of a plant that we depend on for food, clean air, and materials are challenged by myriad threats, natural and man-made including Viruses, pests, fungi, herbicides, drought, pollution, salinity, flooding, and frost. These rapid or unexpected emergence of these threats put human food security at risk and could …
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