Modern day radio transmitters and receivers, the devices that uses electromagnetic wave signals to communicate through cellphones, radios and television, seem to be present everywhere. The propagation of these electromagnetic waves has some limitation too, Key among these is that radio frequency signals hit veritable and literal walls when they …
Read More »DARPA’s Colosseum, world-unique wireless testbed shall catalyze the advent of autonomous, intelligent, and collaborative radio technology
In March 2016, DARPA officials launched the Spectrum Collaboration Challenge (SC2), an initiative designed to ensure that the exponentially growing number of military and civilian wireless devices will have full access to the increasingly crowded electromagnetic spectrum particularly between 9 kHz and 275 GHz, the range allocated by the Federal …
Read More »DARPA developing cognitive radio IC technology for next-gen Communications, Radar, and Electronic Warafre
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and British defense firm BAE Systems have developed a new lightweight, handheld tactical sensor that lets U.S. soldiers easily detect and identify enemy electronic jammers on the battlefield. During Recent ongoing Syrian conflict Russia has demonstrated many advanced weapons, one of …
Read More »DARPA’s ultrahigh speed Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC) to improve performance of Radar, Electronic Warfare and Communications
Our society is highly connected through various digital services. However, much of the information we exchange and process is of an analogue nature in its origin. Analogue-to-digital conversion is thus already an integral part of our modern digital society. Digital signal processing is a powerful technique for storing, analysing and …
Read More »DARPA’s Vacuum Electronics thrust for higher power at higher frequencies and for better protection from EMP Weapons
We now live in a Silicon Age; Solid-state electronics has replaced vacuum tubes in radios, computers and other electronic and radio frequency gadgetry. Still vacuum electronic devices, have not become extinct, the magnetron that made radar possible in the first half of the 20th century is still employed in microwave …
Read More »Reports say China has developed secret “STAR WARS” Weapon, what kind of it appears to be?
China has achieved a technological breakthrough that could help introduce pulse weapons to the People’s Liberation Army’s arsenal, reports the Global Times, a tabloid under the auspices of the Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily. According to the report, the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy …
Read More »Australian scientists discover new nano-material that can speed up electronics
Scientists at the CSIRO and RMIT University have discovered a new two-dimensional nano-material that could pave the way for the creation of even smaller computing devices that offer big improvements in processing speed.
Read More »Ultra Thin Wire Breakthrough Could Lead To Tiny Electronics
The team led by Junhao Lin, a Vanderbilt University Ph.D. student and visiting scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), have developed ultra thin and flexible metallic wire that is just three atoms wide.
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